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  • We seek a personal approach with short lines and fixed points of contact.
  • Disassembly by our own people tailored to your wishes, documentation according to the VIHB protocol handled NIWO.
  • Transportation by our own people with our own transport resources.

BeleidWe play fair business. We take a strong stand against: corruption, abuse of power and conflict of interest. We use an open communication about and have respect for property rights. We guarantee customer data; For example, sensitive products with data (data carriers) we wipe with “Kroll Ontrack” possibly combined with a certificate of hardware destruction. Further we follow the international code of ethics (code of ethics of the AscdiNatd)

Where applicable, and where possible, we protect the health and safety of consumers trough reliable, environmentally friendly and safe products.

Involvement in community: every year we donate a part of the proceeds from raw materials to a number of charities, such as the KIKA foundation. In addition, we support some small local initiatives because we as a company feel involved in the local community.

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